Search Results: IT (84)
In the age of information technology, data are exchanged not only between people but also between things (this is how the Internet of Things works). Some of this data is very sensitive.
In recent months, bad news about AI replacing jobs has been coming almost daily. Last Thursday, BT unveiled its latest plan, announcing that it will replace 10,000 employees with AI technology.
With the development of holographic projection technology, the introduction of multimedia interactive technology in the construction of corporate exhibition halls, focusing on intelligent multimedia interaction, immersive participation experience, and the visual sense of science and technology, the digital exhibition hall brings a novel sense of participation and interaction to people.
The key to staying ahead of the curve in the ever-changing business environment for individuals and organizations is to manage time well to ensure that they are always on top of cutting-edge core technologies and integrate them into their work and business development.
Today, many countries are seeking to utilize the Internet of Things in the military and defense arena as a means of solving various problems in war and combat
Embracing blockchain seems to have become the mainstream of the industry nowadays. Both entrepreneurs and Internet giants have started to extend their development tentacles to this industry that is going to bring disruptive development to traditional industries.
In the context of digital transformation, as it relates to business change and digital support, the need for IT departments and business departments to work closely together, the responsibility is not clear if it is even easier to fall into the whirlpool of meetings and communication.
It is almost certain that the rise of self-driving cars will usher in an era of carpooling for all, meaning that the immediate need for cars will decline and fewer people will need (or want) to own them.
It has been on the lookout for digitization for a long time, it's just that I'm hesitant to do it." This is probably the heart of many business operators. The key to the problems encountered by traditional manufacturing enterprises still lies in the weak foundation of digitalization.
Want to know what the benefits of using SSD in laptops are? First, we need to understand what a SSD is. The following content will give you a detailed explanation of what the SSD is.