Search Results: AI (108)
In a business environment, SaaS is an optimal alternative to local services (traditional methods), which require server creation, application installation, and configuration.
GPT-4 will already design its own chips! One of the oldest problems in the chip design industry, HDL, has been successfully solved by GPT-4. And, the 130nm chip it designed has been successfully flowed.
The construction industry is facing trust and transparency issues, which is leading to looser and looser cooperation between stakeholders. Blockchain technology is considered to be one of the disruptive digital technologies that can address the issues faced.
Artificial intelligence, also known as machine learning, is a software system pioneered decades ago and based on neural networks.
It's well known that gaming is growing faster than ever before, though for many people getting online just for fun is now no longer their main driver. The rise of blockchain gaming has revolutionized the landscape of the gaming industry by making players the primary financial decision makers.
Auto-GPT is an experimental open source application that demonstrates the capabilities of the GPT-4 language model.
The reason that AI can generate accurate answers without relying on traditional databases is because AI can perform applications in natural language processing, machine learning, knowledge graph technology, and semantic analysis techniques.
Salesforce Announces Plans to Integrate Einstein GPT with Data Cloud, Salesforce Flow
The core of the sharing economy is sharing-based transactions, and blockchain is the decentralized way to achieve the security and transparency of transactions.
Collaboration tools with cloud connectivity are an important foundation for these optimization processes. With these tools, you can manage the complexity of the supply chain and improve the quality of the final product.